The Trinity
The word “Trinity” is no where to be found in the Bible, but is commonly used today to refer to the existence of God. The Trinity of God consists of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. All are equal to each other and makeup one God (John 10:30). God is eternal, the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13). Some Bible translations refer to the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost. They are one and the same.
The Father
In the book of Genesis we learn that God is the creator of all things. Through the remainder of the Old Testament it is the Father who speaks and shows his signs and wonders to his people. The Father is also who created the laws for Moses and the Hebrews (Exodus 31:18).
The Son
We find in John 1, that in the beginning the Word existed with God and the Word was God. The Earth and Heavens were created through the Word (John 1:1-3). Then the Word became human flesh, which is referring to the birth of Jesus, which is the Father’s son (John 1:14). Genesis 1:26 The Father speaks saying “Let us make human beings in our image..” Us is referring to himself and the Son. Before Jesus was put on trial to be crucified, he spoke a prayer to the Father. In John 17:5, Jesus says “Now, Father, bring me into the glory we shared before the world began.” This provides further confirmation that The Son existed with the Father since the beginning.
Several prophets predicted the coming of a messiah several hundreds of years before he was born. (Isaiah 7:14; Zechariah 9:9; Isaiah 9:6-7) Through the teachings of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), we learn that the Father sent his Son to be born of our world and become human flesh to save us of our sins. This is the birth of Jesus. It leaves us to wonder what else was the Son responsible for before his time on Earth.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. We find in Genesis 1:2, that the Spirit was present during creation. Since God is eternal that means his Spirit is also eternal. When Jesus walked the Earth he healed and performed signs and wonders because of the Holy Spirit. As believers of Jesus, we are given the Holy Spirit, which lives on the inside of us (Romans 8:11). Because the Holy Spirit lives inside of each believer, we are granted the same power that Jesus used while on Earth. To read more about the Holy Spirit click here.