The Bible doesn’t provide any detail of the physical human appearance of Jesus. However, there are clues in other scriptures that can lead us to have somewhat of an idea of how he may have looked in the human form.
Please keep in mind the details provided in this answer are all speculation based on what we can gather from scripture, Jewish ethnicity and customs.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem which is in the country of Palestine today. His ministry covered the surrounding areas which included the country of Israel as it’s known today. Jesus was born of Jewish descent. Knowing this information, we can guess that Jesus had olive colored skin. Given the location of where he lived, this also confirms further to the tone of what his skin may have looked like.
Eye Color
Continuing to consider his Jewish descent and also based on the historic data we have today about Jewish people, we can say that Jesus’ eyes were brown or dark in color.
Sticking with the characteristics of the Jewish ethnicity, we can also assume that Jesus had dark hair. I would imagine that his hair color would be a dark brown and even shades of black in some situations.
Today, most people recognize or think of Jesus’ hair as being shoulder length long. However, this is once again a guess as scripture does not indicate any physical appearance of Jesus. There is one key scripture though that leads us to believe that Jesus did not have long hair, but in fact short hair.
“Does not even nature [custom] itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him?” 1 Corinthians 11:14 NKJV
Paul is referring to Jewish customs in this scripture. Since Jesus lived a perfect sinless life, we know he abided by all Jewish customs and laws. All through his ministry, the Jewish religious leaders looked for a way to kill him, but he never gave them a reason to proceed with murder. Through the new covenant we no longer abide by these rules or customs, but this was not followed until after his death. Because of this scripture we can be lead to believe that Jesus did not have long hair, in fact quite the opposite with short hair.
Any Facial Hair?
According to Jewish laws provided by God, the men were forbidden to trim their beards (Leviticus 19:27). With this information we can assume Jesus did have facial hair. The length is unknown but we can assume it was long.