There is only one God. The creator of all things which includes: Heaven and Earth and everything that dwells. God is the maker and also the judger. God exists in what is usually referred to as the “Trinity”. Which consists of The Father, The Son [Jesus] and the Holy Spirit. They are all equal and make up one God.
Jesus is the Son of God. Christ is not a last name, it means The Anointed. Jesus is equal to God as part of the “Trinity” along with the Holy Spirit. God sent Jesus to Earth in a human form to be offered as a perfect sacrifice to save all humans from sin and grant eternal life. He lived a sinless life and healed people who had faith in him. Jesus had free will like all humans, his choice was to die on the cross for our sins and through him he made a promise that if we believe in him, we will have eternal life in Heaven.
On the third day after his death, he arose from the dead to display his power over sin and death. He ascended into Heaven and made a promise that he will return one day for judgment of the Earth and for all humans.
The Holy Spirit is equal to God the Father and God the Son, Jesus. He lives inside those who receive him and Jesus Christ through salvation. He provides the believer with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance with doing what is right. He is also referred to as the “Helper.” It was the power of Holy Spirit that Jesus used to perform healing, signs and wonders and what raised him from the dead. The Holy Spirit is what alerts the believer when they sin or drift away from God. This is called grieving the Holy Spirit.
The Bible is the word of God. It consists of information provided by God through human writers by means of the Holy Spirit. Even though the laws of the Old Testament are not current because of the new commandments provided by Jesus, it is still provided to all believers as a basis of the history of God and his people. This is not to say all of the Old Testament should be ignored. There are several books that we still use and can learn from, Proverbs and Psalm being an example.
Jesus was able to perform healings and miracles by using the Holy Spirit. By laying hands on someone or something, transferring the power of the Holy Spirit can take place. As believers we are provided the same power through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can still heal and be transferred without the laying on of hands, but the Bible tells us to lay hands on the sick and they will be healed.
In the Old Testament we find that laying on of hands also displayed the works of the Holy Spirit. At the time the people were unaware of his power. It’s not until Jesus came to Earth that we learned what the laying on of hands accomplishes.
Prayer is a line of communication to God. It is through prayer that we are drawn closer to God and we confess our needs to God. God already knows the desire of our hearts and knows what we will pray before we speak. Even though, he still wants us to express ourselves through prayer to him. The use of prayer can be found from the beginning of the Bible in the book of Genesis. Jesus prayed to the Father often; sometimes all night long.