Salvation is a free gift provided to us by God. All you have to do is believe and accept Jesus as your Lord and savior. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, you are considered saved. Which means you have been granted salvation and saved from sin. Having salvation through Jesus also ensures you are going to Heaven once you die and will have have eternal life. Still not sure if believing in Jesus is right for you? It’s hard to judge something you have never tried or experienced. Give him a chance and you won’t be disappointed. What do you have to lose? You have so much more to gain.
Since the world began, Satan has placed strongholds on humans that are opposite of God. Causing humans to turn away from the light of God and into the darkness of evil. Since the beginning God had a plan to free humans from the wrath of sin. This promise and plan was fulfilled through his son Jesus. He came to Earth to free all humans from the bondage of sin and the power of Satan. The new covenant that God provided to us is through his son Jesus. All we have to do is believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he was raised from the dead through the works of the Holy Spirit. I know you may be thinking, how can I believe in someone I have never seen? How can I believe in someone being raised from the dead, when that is something I have never seen? It’s the same way we believe other historic figures have lived. Believing is not seeing but having faith in what we can’t see. When we have faith in Jesus, we can receive eternal life in Heaven. When our faith is activated in Jesus, we will activate the spiritual realm which is beyond anything we can image.
How do I activate my belief to ensure I am saved?
By saying this prayer aloud, God will grant you Salvation and you will be saved.
“Heavenly Father, thank you for your son, Jesus. Thank you Jesus for dying for me, and thank you for shedding your blood for me. Today, I confess that Jesus is my Lord and savior. From this day forward I turn my back on the world and will follow in your path, Lord Jesus. Amen”
Accepting Jesus as your Lord and savior is just the beginning of your spiritual journey. Making this decision is the best thing you have done so far. By making this choice you are ensuring your place for eternity into the heavenly realm. It’s not enough to just believe in Jesus and accept him as your Lord and savior to ensure you spend eternity in Heaven. We must also make sure we follow the teachings and commandments that Jesus set for us while he walked the Earth.
To understand these teachings, the first place to start, is reading the four books of the New Testament from the Christian Holy Bible. Accepting Jesus means you are now a follower of Christ, Jesus Christ. This means living your life as He intended for us. It’s not as difficult as it may sound. In fact, most people already follow most, if not all, of His teachings, without even knowing it. Taking the time to read all 4 gospels will give you a better understanding of who Jesus is and how to be a true true follower of His teachings. If you are pressed for time, I encourage you to at least read the book of Matthew; the first book in the New Testament. You will find similarities in all four of the gospels, and even some differences. These historic books were written by eye witnesses who walked with and followed Jesus daily while He was on Earth.
It is ok if you don’t have a physical copy of the Bible. There are several free versions online and also a smartphone app that will provide you with a real copy of the text. Below are links to an online version and also app for your smartphone.

Not all translations are created equal. Our ministry uses a combination of the New American Standard Bible (NASB), which most scholars believe to be the most accurate English translation of the original text, and the New Living Translation (NLT). The NLT can help to make the text more digestible and will often shine more light on the scripture you are reading. We also enjoy the Amplified Bible (AMP), which can help with additional details and context. We suggest to read any of these three.